Andrius Ivašauskas: TNDM Trucking is entering a new phase of its journey

“Trust is a key component of any successful team”, says Andrius Ivašauskas, CEO of TNDM Trucking, who joined the company 3 months ago. We sat down with him to ask him how he sees the company, what changes he has already made, and how he sees leadership.


Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you came to be the Director of TNDM Trucking?

My background is in banking and logistics. I have held leadership positions at various companies, including Luminor and Danske Bank, where I gained valuable experience in finance and banking. Before joining Girteka group, I served as the Head of Freight Forwarding department of Finėjas and CEO of Motusbona, companies within the Finėjas Group, where I also held a board member position.

During my professional career, I have never chased after a concrete company or specific job title. For me it was always about values, challenges, opportunities, improvement, personal and professional development, and the positive impact I can deliver to my colleagues, clients and shareholders. I am happy to be invited to join TNDM Trucking and contribute to our future success.

A week ago, you made some structural changes in TNDM Trucking. Could you give a short overview of what has been changed? What is the main purpose of this transformation?

TNDM Trucking is entering a new phase of its journey, with important updates that will shape the organization’s future. The goal of the upcoming changes is to strengthen TDNM’s business model, elevate client satisfaction, increase efficiency and foster the growth and success of our colleagues.

With the implementation of a flatter structure, we’ll benefit from the greater and more effective involvement of managers in their team’s daily activities. By actively participating in their team’s daily activities, managers gain a better understanding of challenges and areas for improvement. This promotes timely decision-making, shorter communication chains, and encourages empowerment, delegation, and accountability.

We strive for closer communication and collaboration between our colleagues, as well as a better understanding of our client’s needs. We have introduced dedicated teams to our clients, consisting of Key Account Managers and Transport Managers to provide tailored dedicated fleet solutions and daily servicing to our clients. These teams will have shared responsibilities for client satisfaction, financial results, and business development.

We aim to standardize and scale best practices to optimize efficiency and productivity in our daily operations or processes. Also, our commitment to employee growth includes qualification tests, training upskilling, and reskilling opportunities. And all these areas will be covered by our newly established Operational Excellence Department.

Finally, we are introducing changes to the operating model in our Spedition business to foster growth in business volumes and the development of sustainable and profitable business.

How do you define a successful team? What measures or indicators do you use?

Trust is a key component of any successful team. Team members should be able to rely on each other to meet their commitments and maintain high standards. Successful teams set common goals with clear metrics of success and create plans on how to attain them, detailing each colleague’s contribution and respective deadlines. In a successful team, members feel that their ideas and input matter, so they are not afraid to express their own thoughts and opinions, even if these conflict with what has been presented. In fact, diverse opinions are welcomed and seen as opportunities to stir creativity and generate fresh ideas. Having disagreements within a team is inevitable. However, in a successful team, members try to resolve their issues in a constructive manner. Finally, in a successful team, members feel their work is important and that they directly contribute to the overall success of the company.

For me personally, the best indicators that reflect how successful and effective our team is come from the goals we set and results we achieve, how we cooperate, feel and act during this journey, lessons we learn and experience we gain.

Where TNDM Trucking is strong and where all colleagues can be proud of?
There are many things we can be proud of! And I am not trying to be polite here. We have many highly skilled, experienced and motivated colleagues. We have many long-term and highly satisfied clients. We are offering a wide spectrum of services to our clients, including tailored and highly complex solutions. But of course, going forward there are many areas that we can improve and to scale.
What challenges have you faced? And what are your future plans for the company?
Currently, we face several challenges: first, in the short term to turn around our financial results amid the current challenging market situation, while increasing the fleet volume we operate. The second is to build a strong background for our business’s sustainable long-term growth, his Includes making structural changes, as well as changes to our operational models, and sales strategy. We also need to up the team, and lay foundations for employee competence development, etc. To be successful in dealing with these challenges will require our whole team’s engagement, effort, consistency, time and patience.
How would you describe your leadership style? How has this style helped the company grow and adapt in the past three months at TNDM Trucking?
I put the well-being, growth, and success of those I lead and manage before my personal ambitions. I see my success as measured by my colleagues’ successes. If they are successful then we are successful and if we are successful then I am successful. I see myself as the one who needs to help, guide, support and provide all the resources needed for my colleagues to succeed. Within my team, I want to create an inclusive environment that avoids hierarchy, supports feedback, and places every team member on a level playing field. Therefore, a servant leadership style is, I believe, the right answer.
What are the top three qualities you believe a successful leader should possess and why?
It is hard to name the top three. I strongly believe a blend of various qualities like integrity, empathy, communication, learning agility, respect, delegation, listening, gratitude, etc. makes a successful leader.
I define a growth mindset as a philosophy in which you thrive on challenge, and don’t see failure as a way to describe yourself but as a springboard for growth and developing your abilities. Your intelligence and talents are all susceptible to growth. People who embrace a growth mindset understand that ongoing learning and improvement are critical to achieving success. Such people actively seek feedback, encourage collaboration, and are open to new ideas, fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability that drives the organization forward.

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